DMC 스킨클리닉 원장 최문상
BS, MS, ND, Dipl.Derm (AID, Australia)
Galderma’s #1 Cosmetic Injector in Canada For the Last 4 Years
13 Years of Undivided Devotion to Aesthetic Procedures & Cosmetic Skin Surgery
최문상 원장은 2008년부터 피부 미용 시술에 전념해 왔습니다. 최문상 원장은 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019년 4년 연속 레스틸렌 필러, 스컬트라 필러, 디스포트 보톡스를 캐나다에서 가장 많이 시술해 Presidential Champion 상을 수상하였습니다. 안전하고 효과적인 치료를 위해, 피부 진단 및 시술에 대한 전문지식과 다년간의 시술 경험을 바탕으로 모든 진료, 시술, 수술을 직접 환자분께 제공하고 있습니다.
2016년에는 캐나다에서 처음이자 유일하게 한국 쁘띠 성형 학회의 필러시술 강사로 초청받아 한국 피부과, 성형외과 전문의를 대상으로 필러시술 강의 활동 했으며, 다른 강연을 통해 타 의사들에게 필러와 보톡스 시술 방법을 전수 해 주고 있습니다. 대한의학레이저학회 학술지 및 타 전문 학술지 등에 피부 시술 방법을 연구해 논문을 발표 했으며, 한국, 미국, 캐나다, 싱가포어, 대만, 태국, 러시아, 인도 등의 나라에서 20회 이상 학회 강의 경력이 있습니다. 현재 캐나다 피부 의학 협회의 학술이사의 역할을 맏고 있습니다. 뿐만 아니라 뛰어난 손재주와 경험을 바탕으로, 우수한 임상적 효과를 인정 받아 다수의 레이저 및 피부시술장비 회사의 자문의 역할과 기계 사용법을 타 의사들에게 교육을 하고 있습니다. 각종 새로운 시술 방법을 개발해 학회 및 임상논문 발표에 참여하며 새로 개발되는 신기술 및 세계적 트렌트를 항상 파악해 새로운 치료 방법을 비씨주에 도입하는 리더의 역할을 해왔습니다.
최문상 원장은 호주 Australian Institute of Dermatology의 피부과 디플로마 과정을 우등졸업 (Graduated with Distinction)하고 미국 미용의학 아카데미(AAAM)의 최고레벨의 프로그램을 우수한 성적으로 이수 하였습니다. 다년간의 피부 질환 치료 및 피부 시술 경험과 피부임상영양학, 자연의학 지식을 접목해 몸과 피부의 건강을 동시에 향상 시키는 치료 방법으로 치료 시술 하는 비씨주 한인 유일의 피부 클리닉입니다. 전문성을 인정 받아 BC주 법정에 미용 시술 의학 전문가로서 참여 경력이 있으며, 2016년 부터 아래의 저명한 국제 성형외과 학술지와 피부과 학술지에서 보톡스, 필러, 레이저 논문 검토위원으로 40여 회의 논문 심사를 완료하였고, 현재 활발히 활동 하고 있습니다.
• Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Springer) – The official journal of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurguia Plastica;
• Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (Wiley-Blackwell) – The official journal of the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology
- Alumni, Science One Program, University of British Columbia
- BS, University of British Columbia
- MS, University of Bridgeport
- ND, University of Bridgeport
- Diploma (Graduated with Distinction), Australian Institute of Dermatology
- Diploma with Completion of Level 1 to 3 Qualification Exams, American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
- Research Associate, Yale Universit Prevention Research Center
- Internship, Yale-Griffin Hospital
- Presidential Champion of Aesthetic Portfolio, Galderma, Canada (2016, 2017, 2018, & 2019)
- Reviewer, Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Springer), USA
- Reviewer, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (Wiley-Blackwell), USA
- Appointed Faculty, Pigmentary Disorders Society of India, India (2013 & 2017)
- Excellence in Clinical Research, Yale University Prevention Research Center, USA
- Academic Scholarship, President’s Award, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Clinical Instructor, Association of Petit Aesthetic Surgery, South Korea
- Academic Director, Korean Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Society, South Korea (2017)
- Fellow, Canadian Society of Skin Medicine
- Vancouver’s Best Place for Cosmetic Surgery, Georgia Straight (2017)
- Consultant, Galderma, Canada (Present)
- Consultant, ES Global, South Korea (Present)
- Consultant, LaserOptek Inc., South Korea (Present)
- Consultant, Viol, South Korea (Past)
- Consultant, KMS, Russia (Past)
- Consultant, Celeste Medical Group, Singapore (Past)
- Consultant, Astraco Medical Networks, Thailand (Past)
- Consultant, Pacific Medical System, India (Past)
- Consultant, NC Bio, South Korea (Past)
- AECD: Update and Specialization in Dermatological Surgery and Rejuvenation – São José do Rio Preto, Brazil (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Novel Indications of BoNTA & NASHA HA Cocktail: Elastosis, Seborrhea, Rosacea, Xerosis, and Melasma - AECD: Update and Specialization in Dermatological Surgery and Rejuvenation – São José do Rio Preto, Brazil (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Maximum Filler Augmentation without the Fear of Complication: Proposing New Gold Standard of Filler Injection Based on Anatomy & Physics - AECD: Update and Specialization in Dermatological Surgery and Rejuvenation – São José do Rio Preto, Brazil (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Advance Uses of Fractional Nanosecond & Picosecond Lasers for Pigmentation, Rejuvenation, and Scar Repair - Asia Pacific Beauty Seminar – Hong Kong (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Dermatological Applications and Techniques of Nanosecond & Picosecond ND:LAG Lasers - Health & Aesthetic Seminar – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Cutting Edge Skin Pigmentation Treatment and Rejuvenation Techniques - Pigmentarycon Dermatology Conference – Indore, India (Invited Faculty)
Topic: Advanced Skin Pigmentation & Rejuvenation Techniques Using Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser - Canadian Society of Skin Medicine – Vancouver, Canada (Clinical Instructor)
Topic: Advanced Face & Neck Anatomy for Cosmetic Procedures - Health & Aesthetic Seminar – Hanoi, Vietnam (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Skin Pigmentation – How to Treat Challenging Cases & Manage Complications
- Lummex Technology Seminar – São Paulo, Brazil (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Innovative Fractional Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser Treatment for Skin Pigmentation & Rejuvenation - Princess Filler Workshop – Taipei, Taiwan (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Advanced Filler Injection Technique for Nose and Mid Face - Korean Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Society – Seoul, South Korea (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Fundamental Knowledge & Techniques for Scars Revision and Pore Size Reduction - Woh Medical Semiar – Taipei, Taiwan (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Beyond Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser – The New Application of Fractional D.O.E. Lens - Canadian Society of Skin Medicine – Vancouver, Canada (Clinical Instructor)
Topic: Advanced Face and Neck Anatomy for Cosmetic Procedures - Korean Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Society – Seoul, South Korea (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Skin Rejuvenation Basics: Skin Layers, SMAS, and Elastic Tissues - Canadian Society of Skin Medicine – Vancouver, Canada (Clinical Instructor)
Topic: Cosmetic Dermal Filler, PRP, Botulinum Toxin, and Energy-Based Devices - Korean Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Society – Seoul, South Korea (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Maximizing the Clinical Efficacy of Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser Treatments
- Optopol Technology Seminar – Gdansk, Poland (Invited Clinical Instructor)
Topic: Clinical Workshop for Dermatologists – Safe and Effective Treatment Techniques for Pigmentation, Skin Rejuvenation, and Tattoo Removal - Association of Petit Aesthetic Surgery – Seoul, South Korea (Invited Clinical Instructor)
Topic: Advanced Filler Injection Techniques for Tear Trough, Mid-Face Hollow, and Smile-Lines
- Galderma Seminar (ANM12) – Vancouver, Canada (Speaker)
Topic: Uses and Techniques of Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Filler
Topic: Pharmacological Treatments for Acne and Rosacea - LaserOptek Seminar – Irvine, USA (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Achieving Consistent Therapeutic Outcome with Robust and Proven Technologies - Celeste Workshop – Singapore (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: New Ideas for Double-Pulsed Q-Switched ND:YAG and New Uses for Fractional ER:YAG - Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons Magazine (D&PS) – South Korea (Contributing Author)
Topic: Treating Common Pigmentary Dermatoses (Lecture Series)
- Congress of the Medical Council of Thailand – Bangkok, Thailand (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Laser Treatments for Common Pigmentary Disorders - The 4th International Thaicosderm Congress on Aesthetic Medicine & Thai Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Surgery – Bangkok – Thailand (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Review of Melasma Lasers & Clinical Pearls for Improved Outcome
Topic: Advanced Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser for Melasma & Common Cutaneous Hypermelanosis - The 5th LaserOptek Annual Users’ Meeting – Seoul, South Korea (Invited Lecturer & Moderator)
Topic: Helios III with Etiology Oriented, Targeted Melasma Therapies - Pacific Medical Dermatology Workshop – Mumbai India (Invited Faculty)
Topic: LaserOptek – Q-Switched ND:YAG Techniques for Pigmentary & Non-Pigmentary Indications
Topic: Scarlet S – Clinical Utilities for Fractional Radio Frequency (RF) Needle System - LaserOptek USA Training Seminar – Chicago, USA (Instructor)
Topic: Technical and Clinical Review of Q-Switched ND:YAG, Long Pulse ND:YAG, and ER:YAG Lasers - Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons Magazine (D&PS) – South Korea (Contributing Author)
Topic: Treating Common Pigmentary Dermatoses (Lecture Series)
- Celeste Laser Seminar – Singapore (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Fractional QSNY & ER:YAG - Pigmentarycon Dermatology Conference – Goa, India (Invited Faculty)
Topic: Utilities of Fractional QSNY & ER:YAG in Cutaneous Pigmentosis
Topic: Lasers for Pigmentary Conditions (Panel Discussion) - The 4th LaserOptek Annual Users’ Meeting – Seoul, Korea (Invited Lecturer & Moderator)
Topic: Fractional Frequency Doubled Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser for Cutaneous Pigmentation - Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons Magazine (D&PS) – South Korea (Contributing Author)
Topic: Treating Common Pigmentary Dermatoses (Lecture Series)
- The 3rd LaserOptek Annual Users’ Meeting – Seoul, Korea (Invited Lecturer & Moderator)
Topic: Update on Melasma Treatments & ER:YAG Skin Resurfacing - Ark Medical Laser Workshop – Taiwan (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Advanced QSNY & ER:YAG Laser Techniques - St. Petersburg Cosmetic Dermatology & Cosmetology Conference – St. Petersburg, Russia (Invited Lecturer)
Topic: Laser Cutaneous Surgeries for Pigmentosis, Pearly Penile Papules, Atrophic Scars, & Elastosis
- The 2nd LaserOptek Annual Users’ Meeting, Seoul, Korea (Invited Lecturer & Moderator)
Topic: Advanced QSNY & ER:YAG Laser Techniques for Various Common Indications
- The 1st LaserOptek Annual Users’ Meeting, Seoul Korea (Invited Lecturer & Moderator)
Topic: Treating Resistant Melasma with Fractional Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser
- Successful Treatment of Refractory Melasma Using Invasive Micro-pulsed Electric Signal Device – Medical Lasers, June 2015; 4(1): 39-44. Korean Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery
- Dermal Melanosis: PART II – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., January 2015
- Dermal Melanosis: PART I – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., December 2014
- Discussion of Therapeutic Approaches in Melasma: PART II – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., November 2014
- Discussion of Therapeutic Approaches in Melasma: PART I – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., October 2014
- Case Reviews in Melasma: PART II – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., September 2014
- Histology and Case Reviews in Melasma – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., August 2014
- Melasma Classifications – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., July 2014
- Q-Switched ND:YAG in Cutaneous Melanosis – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., June 2014
- Topical & Systemic Depigmenting Agents – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., May 2014
- Introduction to Melasma – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., April 2014
- Laser Treatments for Becker’s Melanosis – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., March 2014
- Laser Treatments for Nevus Spilus and Acanthosis Nigricans – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., February 2014
- Cutaneous Melanosis: PART III – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., January 2014
- Cutaneous Melanosis: PART II – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., December 2013
- Cutaneous Melanosis: PART I – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., November 2013
- Review of Melanogenesis – Dermatologists & Plastic Surgeons (D&PS) Magazine., October 2013
- Australian Institute of Dermatology
- American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
- International Meso-Lipotherapy Society
- Korean Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Society
- Canadian Society of Skin Medicine
- British Columbia Naturopathic Association