Vancouver's Largest Korean Clinic


Experience world-class facial sculpting

Health Canada approved and non-invasive


See the sound of beauty at its finest

For a Bright and Glowing Complexion



Canada's Original Provider since 2008

From moles to already existing scars

DMC Skin Clinic's Award-Winning

Precision Micro Skin Surgery

We prioritize cosmetic outcomes

Vancouver's Largest Korean Clinic


Experience world-class facial sculpting

필러 / 쁘띠 성형

입술,  턱, 이마, 팔자주, 애교살, 눈물고랑, 앞광대 등 여러 신체 부위에 캐나다보건성에 허가를 받은 정품  필러만 사용합나다.  DMC는  4년 연속 갈더마 공식 캐나다 최다 레스틸렌, 스컬트라, 디스포토 보톡스 시술 병원으로서 명성에 걸맞는 최고의 실력을 자랑합니다.

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DMC 스킨 클리닉에서 개발한 획기적인 피부 재생 시술로서, 피부에 자극이 되는 레이저를 사용하지 않고 강력한 콜라겐 재생을 유도해 민감한 피부, 잔주름, 얇은 피부, 여드름 흉터, 모공 치료에 적용하며, 기존 치료 보다 월등한 치료 효과와 안전성을 자랑합니다.

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스킨부스터 물광 주사

유럽산 레스틸렌 스킨부스터와 디스포트 보톡스를 최신 비탈인젝터2 를 사용해  피부 수분 공급과 진피 재생을 촉진합니다. 최상의 성분, 최고의 장비를 사용하는 스킨부스터 물광 주사는 피부를 탄력있고 촉촉게 만들고 유지해 주는 안전하고 효과적인 시술입니다.

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DMC 스킨클리닉
내원을 환영합니다.

DMC 스킨클릭은 노스밴쿠버에 위치한 전문 피부 클리닉으로서 2016년, 2017년, 2018년, 2019년 4년 연속으로 갈더마사의 레스틸렌 필러, 스컬트라 필러, 디스포트 보톡스 주사를 캐나다에서 가장 많이 시술한 1등 병원입니다.  2008년도 개원 꾸준히 1년 365일 피부 치료에 전념하며, 의료진의 새로운 치료방법 습득, 기존 치료 향상, 기술 연구와 개발에 모든 에너지를 쏟아 환자분들께 최상의 시술을 제공해 드리려고 노력 하고 있습니다.

“뉴 노멀” 시대의 새로운 안전 기준을 제시합니다.

레스틸렌, 스컬트라 필러 디스포트 보톡스

캐나다 1등 미용 피부 병원

저희 클리닉은 다년간의 임상경험, 많은 시술 케이스, 최신 시술 도입을 바탕으로한 자체적 시술방법 연구, 검증 및 개선을 꾸준히 실행하고 있습니다 . 2008년 부터 미용시술 전념해 2016년, 2017년, 2018년갈더마사의 레스틸렌 필러, 스컬트라 필러,  보츌리넘톡신 시술을 캐나다에서 가장 많이 시술한 병원으로 선정 되었습니다. 항상 안전하고 만족스러운 쁘띠 성형 주사 결과를 위해  타협없는 최상의 과학적 시술방식만을 사용합니다.

의사들이 추천하는 DMC 스킨클리닉

Dr. Moon Choi is a truly innovative physician who combines the latest research and innovation into his daily practice. The personal approach and care he shows his patients demonstrates his commitment to practicing cutting edge medicine and exemplary patient care.

Dr. Mart Robbin, MD, Orthopedic Radiologist, (Former) Director of Residency Program & Division Chief, UH Case Medical Center

Dr. Choi is my choice of doctor for my patients who reside in Canada. He is amazingly skillful, innovative, and passionate. I recommend him all throughout North America. Visit Dr. Choi today and you will find out why.

Dr. Seong Eun Yoon, MD, Aesthetic Doctor for Korean Celebrities & K-Pop Stars, Medical Director of Brandnew Clinic, Seoul, South Korea

Dr. Choi is perfect in academic studies and clinical practice. He is an ethical, personable, and friendly doctor with extraordinary set of clinical skills and comprehensive knowledge in aesthetic medicine. The moment you meet Dr. Choi will mark the beginning of many decades of trustworthy relationship.

Dr. Chang Hwan Cho, MD, Cosmetic Laser Surgeon, Medical Director of Dongan Clinic, Seoul, South Korea

Since I have met Dr. Choi, I noticed and greatly appreciated his extraordinary and artistic stance of aesthetic medicine. His approach to this particular field is absolutely admirable and respectful as the evidence of patient results prove. He is a creative, passionate doctor who comprehends the three-dimensional concept of aesthetic medicine.

Dr. Hang Rae Cho, MD, PhD, FAAD, Board Certified Dermatologist, Director of Korean Dermatology Association & Chairman of Oh-Kim’s Clinic

Dr. Choi is a talented lecturer and a true academician of our time. He has a great passion for clinical research and development of innovative treatment techniques in the field of aesthetic dermatology – a quality that is seldom found in successful physicians with such busy schedules. He consistently impresses me by delivering outstanding therapeutic outcomes to his patients.

Dr. Jong Ju Na, MD, PhD, Anatomist & Cosmetic Laser Surgeon, COO of Viol Inc., South Korea

I have known Dr. Choi for several years now and have found him to be highly intelligent and creative, always striving to find the best solutions to difficult problems for his patients. He is generous in sharing his knowledge with his peers and it is always a pleasure to be involved in discussions with him.

Dr. SK Tan, MD, FAAD, Board Certified Dermatologist, Medical Director, IDS CLINIC, Singapore

As the chair of the workshop committee of PigmentaryConference 2017 in India, I had the pleasure of having a firsthand experience of Dr. Choi’s clinical expertise and superior technical skills in the treatment of various skin pigmentation. He is a wonderful lecturer and a clinician who is devoted to advancing and sharing of clinical knowledge. Without hesitation, my endorsement of his practice receives the highest recommendation.

Dr. Bhavesh Swarnkar, MD, DVL, Board Certified Dermatologist & Medical Director, Swarnkar Superspeciality Center, India

Dr. Moon Choi is a true clinical aesthetic skin and laser expert. Every time I study with him, I learn more interesting and practical techniques.

Dr. Khoa Le, MD, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Medical director of H&A Group - Vietnam