While the best solution for acne scarring is prevention of skin damage in the first place, what is the next step? Acne scarring is most generally associated with the usual redness and pigmentation, and can also involve textural change in the superficial and deep layers of skin – characteristics that make skin appear less smooth and damaged. To combat this common concern many patients have, DMC Skin Clinic offers a wide range of cosmetic treatment options to improve unwanted acne scars.


DMC Skin Clinic uses minimally invasive fractional technologies and other synergistic techniques to create controlled zones of damage. The treatment is a combination of various procedures such as the following to remodel and repair scarred skin.


  • How many treatment sessions do I need?
    Most patients generally require a minimum of 3-5 sessions, depending on the desired goals. Subjective improvement can be seen in a few weeks after the treatment and gradual improvement over the course of 3-6 months.
  • What is the treatment interval?
    Although the recommended interval varies depending on the condition(s) that the treatment is intended to treat as well as each patient’s skin condition, on average, the ideal treatment interval between each treatment is 6-8 weeks.
  • Is there any downtime following DermaSculpting?
    Redness, localized bruising, mild swelling and small scabbing typically resolve in 4-7 days. Small brown dots, which may appear on some of the treated areas, generally resolve in 7 days.