Hypertrophic and keloid scars are the results of abnormal growths of fibrous tissue due to an imbalance during the tissue regeneration processes while the skin is healing. Both appear raised above the surrounding skin surface level and are similar in many ways, especially in the early phases of their development. However, keloids extend beyond the borders of the original wound and do not usually disappear on their own whereas hypertrophic scars are limited to the original wound site and may sometimes spontaneously regress with time.


  • Steroid Injection
    The most widely available treatment to improve the scars are through intra-lesional steroid injections. Injected steroid stops the overproduction of collagen and flattens the raised scar. The injection technique used during this treatment is an important factor to avoid accidental depression of normal surrounding skin.
  • Silicone Gel Sheet
    Silicone gel sheets can be worn over the raised scar for a certain amount of time each day for a few months to produce a flattening effect. It does not work for all types of scars and sometimes may be difficult to place on a curved skin surface. Irritation from the gel sheet is also a common side effect.
  • Compression
    Apart from the silicone gel sheet, compression devices may be used in certain areas, such as the ears, to flatten or prevent the recurrence of keloid scars.
  • Vascular Treatment
    Vascular laser and photo-therapy devices may also be used to reduce the blood flow feeding into the raised scar.
  • Excision
    Certain scars can be excised if other treatments prove to be ineffective or if patients would like to see improvement with minimal repetition. Other treatment options can be combined during the healing phase to reduce the chance of recurring scars.
  • Collagen Remodelling Lasers
    Certain lasers such as long pulse ND:YAG or Q-Switched ND:YAG laser can be used to treat the raised scar by inducing scar remodelling. The lasers gently heat up the scars without destroying the tissue. Therefore there is no downtime.