Of the other options for body fat reduction, DMC Skin Clinic offers Vanquish ME™. A Health Canada and FDA approved device, Vanquish ME™ with Flex technology is one of the more newer upgrades to the original Vanquish fat melting systems. A virtually painless device that can be used for the body, thighs, and arms, Vanquish ME™ uses high frequency to selectively heat the fatty layer of the body while leaving the surrounding skin and muscle unharmed. DMC Skin Clinic is always looking for new and better ways to deliver both results and safety.


With little to no pain and able to cover larger areas, Vanquish ME™ is an effective way to reduce body fat. Vanquish ME™ uses Selective RF™ energy technology to reduce fat without having to surgically remove substances. Fat cells are selectively and uniformly heated and then undergo non-traumatic self-destruction, resulting in natural fat cell loss via programmed cell death. Furthermore, Vanquish ME™’s electromagnetic energy field automatically tunes the device to selectively deliver energy without risking burns on the skin or overheating the muscles and internal organs. As such, the procedure is entirely non-surgical and non-contact, making it relatively safe and more comfortable than other fat reduction treatment options.


  • What happens to the fat cells?
    Heated fat cells experience apoptosis over the course of a few weeks. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they do not grow back. That being said, existing fat cells that have not destructed will remain and may grow larger.
  • Is there any downtime following Vanquish ME™?
    Mild redness and tissue tenderness should subside within a few minutes to hours after the treatment. Patients are able to resume their daily activities.