DMC Skin Clinic offers filler removal services that are grounded firmly on in-depth anatomical knowledge and extensive clinical experience. We continually invest in the integration of sophisticated filler removal techniques for an atraumatic and precise removal of unwanted filler. In late 2017, we broke new ground by developing and providing filler injections as well as removal services under ultrasound guidance for enhanced accuracy and safety. Enhanced with ultrasound imaging technology, we are further able to provide highly sophisticated filler removal services for an aesthetically and medically optimal result.


  • Enzyme (Hyaluronidase) Injection: Used to remove filler that is made of 100% hyaluronic acid such as Juvederm®, Teosyal®, Restylane®, and Stylage®. With ultrasound guidance, the smallest amount of enzyme is precisely injected into the unwanted filler without unnecessary infiltration of normal tissue.
  • Aspiration: The preferred removal method for semi-permanent/permanent fillers and hyaluronic acid filler with significant granulomatous tissue. This method is a cosmetically superior alternative to drainage or excision. With ultrasound guidance, removal is precise and done while avoiding critical anatomical structures.
  • Drainage: Typically reserved for filler that has formed an infected abscess. The drainage pathway is left open to allow additional drainage, after which the wound heals by secondary intention.


  • How many treatment sessions do I need?
    Most patients generally require a minimal amount of sessions depending on the amount of existing filler and the removal method.
  • Is the filler removal painful?
    Topical anesthetic cream application and local anesthetic injections are offered to minimize discomfort during treatment. DMC Skin Clinic also offers the use of analgesic laughing gas for patients who desire additional relief.
  • Is there any downtime following the filler removal?
    Minor bleeding, bruising, swelling, and redness of the area(s) are generally expected for a few days to several weeks. After care may be required by the patient for several weeks after the surgical procedure. Some patients are able to resume daily activities shortly, if not immediately, after the treatment.